Trewirgie Junior School

Wrap Around Care

Many of our parent’s work and finding childcare can be difficult, especially around school hours!

We offer a daily breakfast club for all children between 7.45-8:35am. Included in the price of £2 is a breakfast (toast / pancake with yogurt / fresh fruit with a drink). Children have access to a range of equipment and games and if weather permits, will often get out for a breath of fresh air!

We offer after school provision for our Junior School pupils. This runs every day (term time only) from 3.15- 5.30 p.m. and is run by experienced members of our staff. During this time, your child will have the opportunity to do a range of activities.

All sessions are to be booked and paid for in advance on the school gateway app. The cost is £7.00 for the session. If your child attends an after school club and you would like to use this provision after the club, the fee will still remain at £7.00.

Your child/ren must be collected by 5.30 p.m. promptly. An extra charge of £5 will be added to your account if your child is not collected on time. After 10 minutes a further £10 will be charged to your account for every 30 minutes or part thereof. Children will only be admitted on an ‘ad hoc’ basis, if places are available and that payment for the session is paid on that day. All sessions are non-refundable as staffing has already been allocated. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Tel: 01209 215238

There is more information about child care within Cornwall on the Family Information website.

After School Provision

"Make a difference, have an impact, leave a legacy"
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