Trewirgie Junior School


     Article 12: Respect for the Views of the child

Article 13: Freedom of Expression

Article 28: Right to Education

Article 29: Goals of Education

Article 30: Leisure, Play and Cultural



The curriculum at Trewirgie is the vehicle through which children learn. This is not just about academic learning. It is much wider than this. We believe our curriculum has a real impact on both children's academic and personal development. Through the school's legacy projects they are given a voice and, through this, develop a social conscience. The impact of our curriculum can be seen on many levels and is seen as a key strength of the school.  


Trewirgie Juniors is a Gold Rights Respecting School and this pervades the culture and ethos of the school, resulting in children who have a voice, speak out, and through this have a real impact on their own life, others and more widely others across the globe. They are ambassadors for our world. 


On entry to KS2 children enter with exceptionally low starting points. By the end of their 4 year journey through our school our exit data shows that we are at least in line and often exceed the national figures, demonstrating that highly effective learning that happens across the school and prepares them well for the next stage of their education. 


“The curriculum is an area where the school excels. The exceptionally good use of project work and extensions to the curriculum via trips lead to a sense of the pupils being immersed in deep learning, which helps them to really engage with their learning experience at the school. The pupils told reviewers that learning goes well beyond lessons. This unique curriculum, leads to pupils owning their learning and leaving a real legacy in the wider world.” Paul Garvey Independent Educational Inspector.





"Make a difference, have an impact, leave a legacy"
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